Kendra Drake - Nelson Labs - Bozeman

All pages for the Nelson Labs Bozeman testing services can now be found on our parent company’s website:

1765 South 19th Ave Bozeman, MT    

Kendra Drake

Study Director III

Kendra Drake studied Microbiology at Montana State University in Bozeman. She has been employed at Nelson Labs Bozeman (formerly known as BioScience Laboratories) since 2006. She has extensive cross-training within the company, having started as a Technician in both the Clinical Laboratory and Laboratory Support. She has also worked in the Subject Recruitment Department and can participate as a Study Director in the In-Vitro Laboratory. She is currently a Study Director III in the Clinical Laboratory and has worked with the Virology Laboratory on many Clinical Virology studies.

406-587-5735 Ext. 150
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