Bozeman, Montana: The ideal location for your next moisturization study - Nelson Labs - Bozeman

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Bozeman, Montana: The ideal location for your next moisturization study

Posted On: Jan 25, 2020

Bozeman,MT provides the ideal combination of climate and subject pool behavior to perform your next moisturization study and help you maintain your competitive edge in the market.

Claim substantiation has evolved from a mere discussion point to a key success factor within the product development process on all levels of the cosmetic and cosmeceutical industry. Skin moisturization products have been particularly plagued in the past with vague, un-substantiated claims. As companies race to surpass competitors’ products with more impressive and notable claims of their own, supporting these claims has become imperative in the competitive land scape. And in a race for supporting ever evolving claims, speed and accuracy are key.

Enter Bozeman, Montana. At an elevation of 4800ft the dry climate, low humidity and cold temperature of this popular Montana town provide ideal conditions to test moisturization claims. Average baseline Corneometer readings in study subjects’ forearm-controlled application tests (FCAT) at are typically between 21 and 30, well within the categories of dry and very dry skin. Baseline transepidermal water loss and Skicon readings also reveal dry skin conditions, so test subjects in Bozeman require only a 5-to-7-day restriction periods before new readings are taken following product application. The long winter months and colder temperatures also restrict over-exposure to sunlight and limits behavioral tendencies that may affect the outcome of the study.

Bozeman, MT is the perfect place to test the efficacy of skin-moisturizing products quickly and accurately and provide the basis for compliant claims substantiation.

For more information on how you can get your skin moisturization study underway in Bozeman please contact John Dyba at BioScience Laboratories. We deliver industry leading scientific expertise paired with our signature Montana hospitality. You can reach us as 1-406-587-5735 or email us at

Equipment for measuring skin moisture content:

  • Tewameter® to measure the rate of trans-epidermal water loss (TEWL), to identify levels of skin damage.
  • Corneometer® to measure moisture in the outer layer of the skin.
  • Skicon® to measure the moisturization content of the stratum corneum layer of the skin using high-frequency conductance.
  • VISIA II® to measure spots, wrinkles and UV damage on the face.
  • Chromo Meter CR-400® to measure color/tone of the skin.
  • · Novameter
  • · Vapometer

Study techniques often utilized:

  • Leg Controlled Application Technique (LCAT)
  • Forearm Controlled Application Technique (FCAT)
  • Facial Applications
  • Hand Applications