ASTM - D3574 - Nelson Labs - Bozeman

All pages for the Nelson Labs Bozeman testing services can now be found on our parent company’s website:

1765 South 19th Ave Bozeman, MT    

ASTM - D3574

ASTM - D3574

Sections E & F Tensile Test & Tear Resistance Test

These test methods are designed to test the strength of flexible cellular materials, specifically “Slab, Bonded, and Molded Urethane Foams.” The strength of cellular materials determines for what uses these products may be used. BSLI can provide these tests to help you develop the data needed for your business decisions.



Materials Testing Laboratory

Nelson Labs Bozeman can support manufacturers of bandages, dressings, and their combinations with our Materials Testing services. The NLB Laboratory is temperature and humidit...

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