ASTM - E2274 - Nelson Labs - Bozeman

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ASTM - E2274

ASTM - E2274

Standard Test Method for Evaluation of Laundry Sanitizers and Disinfectants

This test method is designed to evaluate sanitizing/disinfectant laundry detergents/additives for use in top-loading automatic clothes washing operations. This test method is designed predominantly to provide testing with representative vegetative bacteria, but can also be designed to accommodate the testing of fungi and viruses.

Significance and Use

The procedure in this test method is used to evaluate the effectiveness of a test reagent or formulation to reduce or completely kill bacterial populations on contaminated fabrics and in wash water following a single wash.


This test method is designed to evaluate the effectiveness of laundry detergent formulations in disinfecting/sanitizing fabrics loaded in traditional top-loading automatic clothes washing operations. This method designed to test on vegetative bacteria but can also be employed to test on viruses and fungi.

This test method is used in the in-vitro laboratory to evaluate the effectiveness of laundry detergent formulations in disinfecting/sanitizing fabrics loaded in traditional top-loading automatic clothes washing operations.

ASTM-E2274 Full Summary



In-Vitro Testing Laboratory

Scientists in our In-Vitro testing labs are well trained on ASTM, AATCC, AOAC, CLSI and EN standard methods. The efficacy testing services of this laboratory include MIC/MBC, ...

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