ASTM - E2870 - Nelson Labs - Bozeman

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ASTM - E2870

ASTM - E2870

Standard Test Method for Evaluating Relative Effectiveness of Antimicrobial handwashing Formulations using the Palmar Surface and Mechanical Hand Sampling

This test method covers and is designed to determine the relative effectiveness of antimicrobial handwashing agents in reducing transient microorganisms using a controlled handwash.

Significance and Use

Hand hygiene is important for preventing the spread of many types of infections considering transient microorganisms can transferred from the hands to other surfaces. This test method focuses on the Palmar Surface which is palms, finger pads, and fingers of the hands which can be contaminated with transient microorganisms. This test method allows for the hands to be become visibly dry before application of test materials while still maintaining a reasonable soil load level by using a smaller volume of the microbial test suspension. This test method allows for two formulations to be tested on the same subject and the ability to compare results between them. This test method also uses a mechanical machine scrubbing in conjunction with the glove juicing technique resulting in more efficient and greater recovery of bacteria form the palms.


This test method uses a controlled handwash to evaluate the efficacy of topical antimicrobial handwashing formulations in reducing transient microorganisms.

This test method is used in the clinical laboratory evaluate the efficacy of topical antimicrobial handwashing formulations in reducing transient microorganisms.

ASTM-E2870 Full Summary



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