ASTM - E2362 - Nelson Labs - Bozeman

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ASTM - E2362

ASTM - E2362

Standard Practice for Evaluation of Pre-saturated or Impregnated Towelettes for Hard Surface Disinfection

This test method may be used to determine if a pre-saturated or impregnated towelette demonstrates antimicrobial effectiveness as a disinfectant on hard surfaces.

Significance and Use

This practice may be used to determine if an impregnated or pre-saturated towelette demonstrates antimicrobial effectiveness as a disinfectant on hard surfaces. This practice provides results in the form of a qualitative endpoint.


This practice is designed to evaluate the antimicrobial activity of pre-saturated or impregnated towelettes when used as a hard surface disinfectant.

This practice is used in the in-vitro laboratory to determine if an impregnated or pre-saturated towelette demonstrates antimicrobial effectiveness as a disinfectant on hard surfaces.

ASTM-E2362 Full Summary



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