ASTM - E1882 - Nelson Labs - Bozeman

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1765 South 19th Ave Bozeman, MT    

ASTM - E1882

ASTM - E1882

Standard Test Method for Evaluation of Antimicrobial Formulations by the Agar patch Technique

This procedure can be used to evaluate formulations containing ingredients intended to inhibit the growth of bacteria on intact skin and measures the difference, post-product-exposure, between numbers of bacterial colonies on active test formulation plates and numbers on control plates, expressed as percent inhibition.

This procedure may also be used to test for the persistence of activity, as a function of time elapsed between the application of active test formulation and application of active test plates.

Because no procedure for neutralization of the antimicrobial action of active ingredients can be included in the test, the agar patch method is limited to the extent that results expressed as percent inhibition do not differentiate between bacteriostatic and bactericidal effects and, hence, must not be portrayed as “reductions.”



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