ASTM - E2783 - Nelson Labs - Bozeman

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1765 South 19th Ave Bozeman, MT    

ASTM - E2783

ASTM - E2783

Standard Test Method for Assessment of Antimicrobial Activity for Water-Miscible Compounds Using a Time-Kill Procedure

This test method measures the changes of a population of aerobic and anaerobic microorganisms within a specific sampling time when tested against antimicrobial test materials in vitro. The organisms used are standardized as to growth requirements and inoculum preparation and must grow under the conditions of the test. The primary purpose of this test method is to provide a set of standardized conditions and test organisms to facilitate comparative assessments of antimicrobial materials miscible in aqueous systems.



In-Vitro Testing Laboratory

Scientists in our In-Vitro testing labs are well trained on ASTM, AATCC, AOAC, CLSI and EN standard methods. The efficacy testing services of this laboratory include MIC/MBC, ...

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